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Competition law in the BRICS countries

Wolters Kluwer publishing house together with the International Bar Association (IBA) published the book “Competition law in the BRICS Countries”. The book contains the comparative analysis of competition law provisions of Brazil, Russia, India, China and the South-African Republic. Arthur Rokhlin, Partner of the Law Firm "YUST", and Radmila Nikitina, Head of Competition Law Group of the Firm, are the co-authors of the chapter on abuse of dominating position in Russia.

Consequences of a collusion

Maxim Rovinskiy, Head of Tax and Customs Law Practice of the Law Firm "YUST", commented on the resolution by the FCA of the Moscow District on the illegality of the position of the organization, which had ordered a bank, which had no funds at the loro account, to complete the transfer of tax payments.

Urlichich goes off orbit

Igor Pastukhov and Alexander Petrov, Advocates of the Law Firm "YUST", told the ComNes journalists of the punishments faced by the persons involved in the case of misappropriations during the development of the GLONASS system.

Advocate of the Law Firm "YUST" is included in the Human Rights Council

Advocate Igor Pastukhov, Tax Adviser of the Law Firm "YUST", became a member of the expanded Human Rights Council under the President of the Russian Federation.

“Sedmoy Kontinent” was fined for radioactive blueberries

The Court of Arbitration of the city of Moscow, as requested by Rospotrebnadzor, fined the supermarket network “Sedmoy Kontinent” for 100 thousand roubles for the excess of norms of Cesium-137 contained in the berries. Alexander Yevdokimov, Head of Litigation and Arbitration Practice of the Law Firm "YUST", commented on the court decision to the “Izvestia” newspaper.

Russian Law Week 2012: everything you should know of Russian law

Russian Law Week is held in London on November 05-07 of 2012. Associated Partner Evgeny Zhilin represents the Law Firm "YUST" at the event.

It will be easier for the frauds to take flats away from the mentally ill

Advocate Tatiana Starikova, Head of Private Clients Practice of the Law Firm "YUST", gave the “Izvestia” newspaper an expert’s commentary on the amendments to Article 29 of the Civil Code of Russia regarding the citizens with mental disorders. The Government of the Russian Federation plans such amendments.

Bailiffs will take away the property of bona fide purchasers

Alexander Shugaev, Lawyer of the Law Firm "YUST", gave ann expert’s commentary on the transactions, which the courts may rule fraudulent.

It may be prohibited to indicate discriminative requirements in position announcements

Tatiana Samarina, Senior Lawyer of the Law Firm "YUST", gave to the “Ekonomika I Zhinzn (Economy and Life)” newspaper an expert’s commentary on possible addition to the Russian legislation of the norms on responsibility for dissemination of the information on vacant job positions containing discriminative limitations.

Conference “Antitrust Regulation in Russia”: key trends

The Conference “Antitrust Regulation in Russia” was held in Moscow on October 26 of 2012. It was organized by the Vedomosti newspaper. Advocate Arthur Rokhlin, Partner of the Law Firm "YUST", and Radmila Nikitina, Head of the Competition Group, represented the Firm at the event.